Curiosity and Unanswered Questions— Journal Entry 1 —

Jake Adler
2 min readMar 21, 2021


Picture directly from my journal

I’ve been journaling recently, and after sharing some entries with a few peers, they encouraged me to share my entries and possibly create value for others. This is the first edition of Journal Entry, raw, unedited and directly from my little red journal.

Curiosity is truly a fascinating creature. As we grow, the illusion of curiosity grows a weaker grasp on our lifestyle. We sacrifice pursuing a curious thought due to the innate and underlying attachment to stability. I’ve recently found my curiosity, which remained unnurtured and atrophied like a muscle that was deprived of stimuli for a while. Upon rediscovering my curiosity, I noticed something truly peculiar — It has yet to age. My mind is still flooded with childish and naive conquests, and the hunger only grows with prolonged resistance. I find myself imagining time travel, parallel universes, and other unanswered questions which, for the time being, should remain that way. Am I fool to imagine I could envelop these questions and spit out a comprehensible solution while thousands of substantially more qualified individuals have yet to do so? Most likely, but it was the late Steve Jobs who keeps me determined “Stay hungry, stay foolish.”

Challenging nature and it’s unanswered questions dictates a plight. You will be knocked down, you will fall to the hands of nature. But in moments of utter need of true tranquility, the soul acts as your impenetrable refuge. Simply calm the mind, and inject a purpose. You must undertake the role of an absurdist and a stoic, and find happiness, just like Sisyphus pushing the boulder high up the mountain, just so it falls down and allows you to start again. A.K.A — Life is hard, but you must find happiness and tranquility along the way if you want to expose the fundamental principles our universe conceals.

“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another which states that this has already happened.” — Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy


If you want to follow along with Journal Entry, feel free to follow me on Medium or any other socials — my username is almost always jakeradler.



Jake Adler

Founder of Ordy and oneKYC - Making crypto accessible and easy for everyone!